Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

Curt's has a new Chef named "Q" who loves gardening and fresh food. She has shared this love with our students by regularly taking them out back where we are lucky enough to have an urban garden that was planted by the wonderful Yellow Tractor Project. Tomatoes and peppers and herbs and  edible flowers all at Q's fingertips as she creates our daily lunch specials and platters of delicious food for catering.

Recently, while preparing trays for a catering order she took our student Lorenzo out to the garden to pick a few flowers to use as colorful accents to compliment the summer fruit tray. "I don't want to pick no flowers..." Lorenzo said at first, but he went along, bent down over the flower pots and gathered a few edible yellow and orange nasturtium.

Today, while Q was busy in the kitchen working on more catering trays she noticed Lorenzo slipping out the back door. Without him saying a word she instantly knew what he was doing. She walked to the door and opened it quietly. She caught Lorenzo in the act -- sweetly taking a sniff of  a handful of the delicate flowers he just picked.

Q noticed the poinency of those little flowers held in Lorenzo's big hands at the end of his tatoo-covered arms ...and the fact that Lorenzo had taken the initiative to use the flowers to make our catering...and the world....more beautiful.